Rock and Roll.

You know …. folks come up to me on the street all the time and say, “Hey Nick, you remember that song ‘Hotel California’ by the Eagles, well, what is the deep hidden meaning of that song?”
“Oh, that’s really easy.” sez I. ‘It’s the 1970s set to words and music.”
First time I ever heard the song, it was one Glorious Spring Day in 1975, way the hell and gone, up in the bush at the old abandoned Discovery Gold Mine on Giauque Lake, north of Yellowknife. Richard Denison had it blasting out from an 8 track in his semi-truck. Six feet, eight inches tall, a giant of a man, he was standing on the bed of his truck playing air ‘snow shovel’ to the guitar licks of Joe Walsh and Don Felder. The scene and song made an impression on me that I’ll never forget.
PS. Somehow that snow shovel ended up in my possession, it lives in my garden shed, it has #57 (Richard’s unit #) burned into the handle. Too heavy for an old guy to use anymore, that shovel should be in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.

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